Lastupdate: 4 years ago
Episode 1
What is MoM? A short introduction to the approach itself. MoM is created for musicians to improve stage performance, you can hear more from the developer Virág Dezső.
Episode 2
Creating an understanding in our awareness of the different expression we can give. Our base is finding neutrality in being present.
Episode 3
The next step after the lesson 'Posture - White page'. Listening to feedback from our body is the key to this practice. Tasting neutral, open and close posture.
Episode 4
First steps to explore the relation breathing and intensity of the movement. How tonicity and tonality are related. Listening to feedback from our senses.
Episode 5
Articulation of the spine with a supporting breathing allowing playfullness in speed, rhythm.
Episode 6
Coordination - Spatial relation. How the same movement can ask for more concentration with a small change in relation to space.
Episode 7
Surprise breathing. Find out about the relation between sudden movement and breathing, how to make your experience, practice fruitful.