Lastupdate: 3 years ago
Episode 1
Kata plans to support your performance qualities and wellbeing with the power of breath. Key words: pranayama, breathwork, intermittent hypoxia, rhythmical breathing
Episode 2
A great way of starting your day or using it before stepping on stage. It activates the sympathetic nervous system and gives a huge amount of oxygen. Keywords: Sufi, Dan Brulé, fast inhalation
Episode 3
Rhythmic breathing in a 4 to a 4 rhythm along with the music. Keywords: optimise, balance, coherent body-mind connection
Episode 4
The origin of Breathwork. The 2 main components of it.
Episode 5
A tool to execute deep diaphragmatic breathing.
Episode 6
Practise Breath Awareness and Conscious Breathing in a couple of minutes each day. Be aware, breathwork can change your life, performance in the best possible way.
Episode 7
After exhalation, breathe in slowly through your nose, exhale with a tone. I tried this and people were watching me....But who cares, and who said breathwork is a serious thing????
Episode 8
Breathe in always through your left, and exhale through your right. Keep this order and repeat!!!!